If you have a question that isn't covered in our FAQ's, please contact us via our gmail address. The information is provided for informational purposes only. In no way does Westchester Ridge Community Association or it's board members or officers assume liability or responsibility for the content, completeness or accuracy of information on this web site.


Where can I find the neighborhood Restrictive Covenants for Westchester Ridge?

The Allen County Recorder's Office has a Neighborhood Resource Center with a link to the covenants for Westchester

Ridge. Click this link and type "Westchester Ridge" in the search bar.

Are the Restrictive Covenants legally binding?

Yes, by purchasing property in Westchester Ridge, each Lot owner is legally required to adhere to all of the Covenants and the HOA must enforce the Restrictive Covenants equally and fairly to all Lot owners. If a Lot owner does not adhere to the Covenants, it can result in legal action.

What are the neighborhood boundaries?

Westchester Ridge community boundaries

Westchester Ridge is a community of 97 single family residences in Southwest Allen County, Fort Wayne, Indiana. Deerfield Estates and Shores of Rock Creek are the neighboring communities connected to Westchester Ridge via Red Oak Run and Roe Drive. [Click image for a larger map]

Is there an annual homeowner's fee?

Yes, the annual dues cover expenses such as the operating costs of maintaining the common areas. Some of the expenses include maintaining the front entrance, the common area along Scott Road, the common corridor on the south side of White Cedar Road and the two acre retention pond behind Silver Linden, plus the common triangular area located near Deer Ridge Elementary; landscaping and irrigation, utilities including water and electric; legal; snow removal; street signs; sidewalk maintenance (within the common areas), a nominal amount for social events, the annual URL fee and web hosting for the neighborhood web site.

What is not covered by the annual homeowner's fees?

The annual dues are not used to pay for community garage sales, lost mailbox keys, charity work such as the Adopted Christmas Bureau family, the creation, maintenance and upkeep of the association web site or the work of the board members and officers who all volunteer their time.

When is the annual homeowner's fee due?

The annual dues are for the entire calendar year: January 1 through December 31. The homeowner's invoices are billed in January and are generally due on or before April 15th of each calendar year. For specific questions about the homeowner's dues, please contact us via our email address.

Are the annual homeowner's fees paid through a homeowner's mortgage or escrow account?

Typically, the HOA fees are not part of a mortgage or escrow account once a property is purchased. However, when a homeowner buys real estate, the title company will require the HOA fees are paid before closing on the property to ensure there is a clear title.

Are the annual homeowner's fees mandatory?

Yes, the Restrictive Covenants mandate that each lot pay their fair share of the costs to maintain the common areas and upkeep of the neighborhood.

Does Westchester Ridge have a Facebook page?

Friend Us on FacebookYes, our Facebook group is open to anyone who currently resides in Westchester Ridge. To request to join, search for "Westchester Ridge" in your Facebook account and then click on our group. You can then request to join the group. You may also click this link to our Facebook group.

Does the neighborhood host social events?

Yes, there have been several past social events for the residents of Westchester Ridge in the form of block parties. More recently, Westchester Ridge has participated in National Night Out every first Tuesday of August since 2017. In addition to the Spring block party and Holiday block party. Spring and Autumn garage sales are also part of the neighborhood events.

More information: Events

Where is information on snow removal located?

Please refer to the Community page for details on snow removal and other community information.

Who should be contacted about city services such as garbage, recycling and non-emergency issues?

Please call 311 to report missed garbage or recycling, street lights that are broken or out; issues related to potholes, code violations, storm water problems and other non-emergency city services. There's now an easy to use app for Apple and Android. For more information visit http://cityoffortwayne.custhelp.com/app/Fortwayne/home

Does the city own any property in our neighborhood, such as an easement or green strip between the sidewalk and street?

No, the easements and green spaces between the street and sidewalk are the property of the Lot owner/s. Drainage and/or utility easements are required by the city to be accessible and free and clear for repairs to utilities and so forth, but they are not owned or maintained by the city. The green strip is not owned or maintained by the city and is owned/maintained by each Lot owner. The plats showing the utility and drainage easements are accessible via this link to the Restrictive Covenants.

Who is responsible for maintaining the trees in the green spaces between the street and sidewalk?

The owner of each Lot is responsible for the maintenance of the grass/turf, landscaping, bushes and trees everywhere on their property, including the green space between the sidewalk and street. The city does not own any property in our neighborhood.

Years ago, the city installed many young trees along the streets of Westchester Ridge as part of a county-wide beautification project. The city requested permission from each Lot owner prior to installation and the city's arborist determined where to plant the trees, which were then installed by a city contractor. That was the extent of the city's involvement with the trees. It is the responsibility of each Lot owner to maintain their own property's trees, turf and remove dead trees/landscaping as necessary.

What is permitted regarding parked vehicles in residential areas?

Parking information and enforcement falls under the scope of the City of Fort Wayne/Allen County. Excerpts from the city's traffic regulations web page include:

   (A)   The only vehicles permitted to be parked in residential districts in the city shall be:
      (1)   Operable automobiles, vans and motorcycles, and no such automobiles, vans or motorcycles shall be parked other than in the driveway, street or alley of said residential districts.
      (2)   Operable recreational vehicles, campers, boats and trucks (one-ton, panel or pickup) which shall only be parked in the driveway or alley of said residential district but not in the street; and pull-trailers (including small utility trailers), which shall only be parked in the driveway and alley. [NOTE: Westchester Ridge's restrictive covenants do not permit campers, RV's, boats, trailers, etc. Please refer to the Architectural Control page for specific information.]
   (B)   The following vehicles will not be permitted to be parked in said residential districts: semi-trucks, truck-tractors, farm tractors, road tractors, semitrailers, oversize vehicles; school buses, church buses; or inoperable automobiles, vans, motorcycles, recreation vehicles, campers, boats and trucks.
Violations of § 72.22 and § 72.23 shall be enforced by the Police Department and Parking Enforcement.

For more information visit: http://library.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/Indiana/ftwayne/titleviitrafficregulations/chapter72stoppingstandingandparking?f=templates$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:fortwayne_in$anc=JD_72.23

What about vehicles leaking oil in the street?

Per code enforcement: "Vehicle parks in the same spot and continually leaks oil on the street. It is illegal to discharge any substances onto the street that will damage the street pavement. Gasoline and oil tends to break down asphalt, aside from being very messy." See Municipal Code 99.005.


Are commercial vehicles allowed to be parked in a residential neighborhood?

Yes, per the city's web site, providing they meet the criteria outlined on the city's web site.

For more information visit: http://library.amlegal.com/nxt/gateway.dll/Indiana/ftwayne/titleviitrafficregulations/chapter72stoppingstandingandparking?f=templates$fn=default.htm$3.0$vid=amlegal:fortwayne_in$anc=JD_72.23

Are boats, RV's, campers, trailers, sheds, barns, etc, allowed?

Per Article V, Section 8 of the Westchester Ridge restrictive covenants, under General Provisions:

"Temporary Structures and Storage: No structure of a temporary character, trailer, boat, boat trailer, camper or camping trailer, basement, tent, shack, garage, barn or other outbuilding shall be located on any Lot at any time or used as a residence either temporarily or permanently."

Who maintains the neighborhood mailboxes? What about replacement keys?

The locked cluster mailboxes in Westchester Ridge fall under the jurisdiction of the United States Post Office (USPS). The USPS mailboxes are federal property, they are not the property of the HOA.

Mail box keys are the responsibility of each Lot owner.

The homeowner's association, due to privacy and other reasons, does not have keys to the mailboxes.

If you lose or never received a key to your mailbox or if you have problems such as a malfunctioning mailbox, contact the Bluffton Road Post Office at 260-427-7332. This is the location that serves Westchester Ridge.

The post office can assist with information relating to which box is assigned to each residence. They also may be able to help with provision of a spare key. If the USPS does not have a spare key, at the homeowner's request, USPS will replace the lock and bill the homeowner when they arrive to pick up the new key. The lock replacement fee is nominal, approx. $40.

More information from USPS

What is the procedure for filing a general complaint about our private services?

Our community vendors and service companies strive to earn our business; however, occasionally problems occur. If you have a complaint pertaining to the neighborhood, please refer to the Complaint Procedure. Complaints of a criminal and/or more serious nature should be reported to the proper authorities.

Is there an annual meeting of homeowners?

Yes, the annual meeting is typically held in November of each year. For more information, please visit the Events page.

How can I get involved with the neighborhood?

In July of 2022, a "Friends of Westchester Ridge" group was formed by the Board of Directors as a way to seek more volunteers to help with various seasonal and/or occasional needs of the neighborhood. For more information, visit the Friends of Westchester Ridge page.

How can I join the Board of Directors?

Elections to the Board of Directors are held in November at the annual meeting and specific information is provided in the Bylaws. Candidates interested in serving must follow all of the requirements outlined in the Bylaws, including providing notice of intent to run not less than 45 days in advance of the annual meeting. If you are interested in joining the Board of Directors, please contact the HOA via the contact form on the web site or [email protected].

Does Westchester Ridge have any sort of "welcome packet" for new residents?

Not at this time, mainly because we do not have a way to know who is moving in or out of the neighborhood unless someone reaches out and lets the HOA know. The Board of Directors are volunteers who devote a considerable amount of time to the community, but there aren't enough resources to identify incoming residents. The web site is maintained for purposes of disbursing general information, but there's not an actual packet of information that is provided to new or existing residents.